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What is the prime difference between public and private cloud? - Expedient Technology Solutions

Written by ewi-dev | June 16, 2022

Public cloud computing is hosted via the internet and open to other organizations, while private
cloud computing is specific to your company.
When you’re choosing the best option for your business data and information storage needs, it
can be challenging to understand the differences between the two. What is the prime difference
between public and private cloud, and which is best for your business?
Today, we’re here to help answer your questions about public and private clouds. We’ll cover the
advantages of both, how each one works, and how you can decide which is the best option.

Which cloud is better, private or public?

Both the public cloud and a private option have their advantages and disadvantages.
In this section, we’ll delve deeper into the pros and cons of each to help you decide which to
choose for your business’s needs.

Advantages of public cloud

With the public cloud, you get access to infrastructure built and hosted by a third-party provider
that also offers its services to other companies.
Major providers like Azure and Google Cloud can provide extensive data hosting and storage
for a continuing fee.
Choosing a public cloud has its advantages. There’s not a hefty initial cost, and you don’t need
to set up your own extensive software and security systems. If you’re a small business just
getting started, the public cloud can be a great option for affordable cloud storage.
In addition, if you’re a larger company looking for a backup option in case your servers are
compromised, the public cloud can be a good investment to help you better protect your

Advantages of private cloud

In contrast to the public cloud, a private cloud is built and managed by the company itself.
This type of cloud requires a greater upfront cost, but it can pay itself off over time, especially for
large businesses that can afford the initial expense.
An important reason why many companies choose a private cloud is security concerns.
Some data regulations and laws require certain organizations to store their data with specific
privacy protections or within a certain geographic area. Some of these security protocols are
only possible in your own private cloud.
Since it’s important to stay compliant with regulations in your field, the private cloud can be a
great option if you deal with many security laws.

The four types of cloud computing

While public and private cloud computing are two popular options, they aren’t your only choices
when it comes to services. Here’s a rundown of the four major types of cloud computing:

Public cloud computing

As we’ve covered, public cloud computing is generally offered off-premise, provided by a
third-party service such as Google or Azure, and available to many different companies.
Public clouds come with advantages like nearly unlimited space for huge amounts of data, lower
startup costs, and third-party support.
The downsides of the public cloud include a loss of control and more security threats.
Additionally, you pay for what you use: if your cloud service is free or very cheap, it may not have
the best storage options or security protections.
The more expansive the services, the more expensive your cloud computing.

Private cloud computing

Private clouds are dedicated to a specific organization instead of hosting data from multiple
different companies.
You can build your own private cloud, or you can hire a third-party to create and install your
cloud. Either way, private cloud computing differs from the public version because it’s
specifically tailored to your organization.
This allows you more freedom to customize aspects, tighten security, and ensure your
compliance with data regulations for your industry.
While a private cloud can come with safety advantages, it will cost you. It’s expensive to create
your own systems, and if you don’t invest in good security measures, your private cloud won’t
offer much additional protection.
If you’re considering a private cloud, make sure you have the budget to do it right!

Hybrid cloud computing

A hybrid cloud consists of multiple different connected clouds.
These can all be public or private, or they can be a combination of the two. When several clouds
are connected so that apps can move between them, you have a hybrid cloud.
Hybrid clouds can be beneficial because they allow you to move data and information around
between clouds, depending on what you need.
If you use a smaller private cloud for certain sensitive data but a public cloud for other
information, you can integrate them with a hybrid option.

Multicloud computing

Multicloud computing is a more broad term for any type of cloud computing that involves more
than one cloud.
A hybrid cloud is a specific type of multicloud. Multicloud computing systems can be
interconnected or they can be separate. Anytime a business uses more than one cloud for
different types of data or aspects of business, they’re using a form of multicloud computing.

What is the difference between cloud storage and cloud computing?

Cloud storage and cloud computing are two related terms that are often used together when
discussing the prime difference between a private and public cloud. However, they are slightly
different concepts.

Cloud storage is the act of storing any sort of data or information on a cloud system.
You can store files, videos, songs, or any other type of information.

Cloud computing, on the other hand, is active as well as passive. It starts with data in the cloud, but it also allows you to work remotely, connect devices and share files across computers, and otherwise keep your
workplace connected.
Cloud storage and cloud computing are both important to keep your data safe and allow easy
collaboration between your employees.

When it comes to the prime difference between public cloud and private cloud, and which is
right for your business, there’s no blanket right or wrong answer.
Depending on your company’s needs, you might decide that a public cloud option fits your
budget and requirements.
If you’re worried about security and data regulations and have the money to do it right, a private
option can be great.
Finally, if you’re looking to tailor your cloud experience based on different aspects of your
business, you might want to invest in a multicloud approach.
No matter which option you choose, Expedient Technology Solutions can help you make the
right decision for your business.
Contact us today to discuss the safety and security of your data.