It is never fun to think about or prepare for the worst-case scenario in our lives. We have gone through fire drills in case of fire, stocked flashlights or generators in case of a power outage, and stored emergency numbers, just in case.

While it may not be pleasant to plan for, you will be grateful you packed a car emergency kit when your car breaks down on the side of the road.

The same is true for business owners today. You must be prepared for unexpected emergencies or disasters.

Emergencies in Your Business

We rely on technology for many aspects of our businesses. From team management and client communication to data storage and finance. Everything is housed on a computer or the internet.

This provides a wide array of conveniences and efficiencies for your business. It helps you organize data and save customer and employee information.

For every convenience, however, there are also risks. Utilizing technology for your business means all your business data and information could be vulnerable to cyberattacks. These attacks are no longer just things we hear about in movies where the criminal “hacked the mainframe” but real-life common crimes that business owners need to be aware of.

Not only do you need to be aware of cyberattacks and where your company might be vulnerable, but you also need to have a plan should disaster strike.

What is a Disaster Recovery Plan?

A disaster recovery plan is an executable strategy for protecting critical information and restoring your systems in the event of a breach or server failure.

It sets priorities, responsibilities, action steps, and everything else that needs to be done to get your most important systems back up and running.

There is value in thinking through this plan before you fall victim to an attack, much like a fire drill. The hopes are that when disaster strikes you will be able to follow the plan instead of reacting aimlessly or panicking and making things worse.

Working With Stress Free IT ® on Disaster Recovery

Without proper backup procedures, disasters can result in significant downtime, the loss of mission-critical data, or in some cases, the end of your business. Disaster recovery and business continuity planning are essential for avoiding catastrophic scenarios and for mitigating downtime.

Not sure where to start in making a disaster recovery plan? Our team of recovery experts has equipped countless business owners with the tools they need to feel they are prepared.

We’ll work with you to:

  • Develop strategies for you to implement a disaster recovery and business continuity plan
  • Manage backups and store your critical data in our Tier 4 SOC compliant data center
  • Recover lost data with encryption protection to restore systems quickly in the event of a disaster

With professional IT support in Dayton, Ohio your business will be better protected from cybersecurity or natural disasters and equipped to deal with them if they come. Contact our team at Expedient Technology Solutions today to get started on your disaster recovery strategy.