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Why is Two Factor Authentication So Important for Businesses? - Expedient Technology Solutions

Written by ewi-dev | March 6, 2020

Two-factor authentication is a simple, yet effective tactic to implement into your cyber security strategy. Chances are, you’ve had to use it in your day-to-day life already, whether it’s logging into Netflix or Facebook or something else. 

The process is simple. You login to your account as you normally would with an email/username and a password. Rather than granting immediate access, you’re informed that a message has been sent to you either via email or text. 

You then check your phone or email for the message, which consists of either a code or a link to click. Follow the instructions given, and a few seconds later, you’re into your account. While the added step can feel like a hassle (even though it takes less than a minute), this simple measure can be the difference between your account staying secure or being breached. 

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication into Your Business 

Even now, there are people and programs roaming the internet, looking for exploits in your system’s security. Far too many professionals rely on simple, repeated passwords that are easy to figure out. Even if you have a more secure password, brute force attacks can find ways through them. 

Two-factor authentication provides a great initial barrier that also acts as a notification system for when someone is logging in with your account. In addition to the typical methods of emailing or texting a temporary passcode, there are other forms of two-factor authentication available to businesses. 

For example, some utilize a UBS device or keycard that must be used when logging in. Without this physical object, hackers are unable to access your information. Ultimately, it’s about choosing a method that makes sense for a particular business while maintaining maximum security. 

If you’re under certain security regulations, such as HIPAA, two-factor authentication is likely required. Failing to meet compliancy standards not only puts your data at risk, but it can lead to serious fines. 

Two-Factor Authentication Isn’t Enough 

Having multifactor authentication is a great security measure for your business to have in place, but it’s not foolproof. If someone gains access to your email, phone, or other physical device, they can still get into your programs, databases, etc. There are also other ways of breaching systems. 

That’s why you need a full cyber security strategy in place, along with on-going monitoring. That way, when something goes wrong, you know immediately. The best way to keep your business and your data protected is with the support of an IT team. 

A professional IT company can not only provide on-going security and support, but they can analyze your current setup and address potential risks and weaknesses. At ETS, we provide cyber security and IT support in Dayton, Ohio for both small and large businesses. 

Contact us today.